Pallid Bat  

(Antrozous Pallidus)




Beige fur on back, almost white below, large pale ears. Broad wings. Good vision. Musk gland.
Primary Prey: Crickets, scorpions, beetles, grasshoppers, various other insects. Feed primarily on the ground as well as gleaning from leaves. With its large ears, it can hear the footsteps of insects on the ground, and then swoops down to grab them. Immune to scorpion venom.
* Gleaning is passive listening and does not require echolocation.
Predators: Domestic cats, martens, fishers, mice, owls, hawks, snakes, raccoons, and other small carnivores. Range: Across much of west North American from British Colombia to west Texas, Baja and Central Mexico.
Status: Species of Special Concern in California
Risks: Maternal colonies and hibernating bats sensitive to disturbance. Loss or modification of foraging habitat, esp. urban development.
Behavior: The only bat species in Yosemite that can take off from the ground. Day and night roosts include crevices in rocky outcrops and cliffs, caves, mines, trees (e.g., basal hollows of coast redwoods and giant sequoias, bole cavities of oaks, exfoliating Ponderosa pine and valley oak bark, deciduous trees in riparian areas, and fruit trees in orchards), and structures such as bridges barns, porches, bat boxes, and buildings. Roosts generally have unobstructed entrances/exits, and are high above the ground, warm, and inaccessible to terrestrial predators.
Wingspan: cm / 15-16 inches
Weight: Avg.  11g /0.4 oz
Body Length: Avg.  10-cm   /  3.6-5.3 inches 
Offspring:1-2 pups. Nurse for 6-8 weeks.  Young fly at 6 weeks old.
Lifespan: 9 years